What Sets the C15 Power Cord Apart from the C13 Power Cord?

We can perform amazing things every day thanks to power cords. Nevertheless, it’s simple to utilize power cords without realizing how unique each one might be. In light of this, we will now discuss a few variations between the C13 and C15 power cables. Let’s get going.

Do You Have a Notch?

The notch on the C15 power cable connector is one of the most obvious changes between the AC power cord connectors. Even though the two connectors appear to be very identical up close, a tiny notch distinguishes them from one another. A tiny groove on the C15 is parallel to the ground terminal. As a result, C15 cords can be used with C16 outlets. When you compare these two power cords side by side, one minor characteristic actually makes a huge difference.

Rating for Temperature

The temperature ratings of C13 and C15 connectors are a significant additional distinction. One of the most significant differences between these two power cords is this. The C15 power cord can efficiently supply high-temperature equipment like servers, computer network closets, and more thanks to its higher temperature rating. While the C13 cord’s temperature rating is only up to 65 degrees Celsius, the C15 cord has a temperature rating of up to 120 degrees. Therefore, a C15 cord is necessary to power any high-temperature equipment, even something as basic as an electric kettle.

Applicable environment

European C13 power cords and C15 power cords have differing temperature ratings, as we briefly mentioned before. This implies that their applications are fundamentally dissimilar. Devices like PCs, printers, monitors, and amplifiers frequently require C13 cords. On the other hand, C15 power cords are utilized in computing networking closets and server rooms for items like servers and POE switches. In other words, they are made to withstand heavier power demands and high-temperature applications.

Post time: Oct-27-2022